The New HVN will connect Southern Connecticut to new opportunities and new destinations. Through our focus on strong community partnerships, we can invest in the success of New Haven, East Haven, and HVN airport. Together, we can ensure that individuals, families, neighborhoods, and small businesses are heard and represented as we prepare to expand HVN. Our partners include:

Tweed New Haven Airport Authority:
The Tweed New Haven Airport Authority is composed of community members and aviation experts who are responsible for the management of HVN airport. Eight members are appointed by the Mayor of New Haven, five by the Mayor of East Haven, and two by the South Central Regional Council of Government. At least six of the members must be New Haven or East Haven residents. New Haven’s mayoral appointments must be approved by the Board of Alders.

City of New Haven:
The Office of the Mayor, the Board of Alders, and other municipal officials work to represent the needs of New Haven residents. When it comes to Tweed New Haven Airport, the City also owns the physical property on which HVN resides and operates, and sets important ordinances to protect the interests of their residents who live near the airport. Within the partnership they will help ensure those interests continue to be met, represent the needs of small businesses that help benefit our local economy, and ensure environmentally friendly manner.

The Town of East Haven:
The Mayor and the Town Council represent the citizens and businesses of East Haven. Within the partnership they represent the neighboring residents and businesses surrounding the airport, and will play a central role on traffic and safety issues as the airport entryway is moved as part of building a New HVN.

Avports has operated HVN for the past 22 years on behalf of the Tweed New Haven Airport Authority. Avports has a strong record of building and operating airports that are economically and environmentally sustainable. With an investment of over $100 million, Avports will help bring operational efficiency, a carbon neutral terminal, and noise mitigation techniques while also ending taxpayer funding for the airport. They will ensure the New HVN serves the needs of the community and employs a diverse workforce that represents the residents of New Haven and East Haven.

Avelo Airlines was founded with a simple purpose — to Inspire Travel. The airline offers Customers time and money-saving convenience, very low fares, and a refreshingly smooth and caring experience through its Avelo Soul of Service culture. Avelo Airlines entered into an agreement with Tweed New Haven Airport Authority and its operator Avports to make investments in upgrading HVN’s terminal, administrative building, parking and other areas. The airline launched its first flight from Tweed New Haven Airport on November 3, and is now offering non-stop flights from Tweed to Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Orlando, Tampa Bay, Palm Beach, and Sarasota, FL.

New Haven Works
New Haven Works is a workforce partner that connects New Haven residents with local employers who are looking for qualified candidates. It supports local jobseekers as they seek, apply, and interview for new opportunities. New Haven Works has partnered with Avports to participate in career fairs and other networking opportunities with the objective of advancing local residents for new job opportunities.

Tweed New Haven Airport Authority:
The Tweed New Haven Airport Authority is composed of community members and aviation experts who are responsible for the management of HVN airport. Eight members are appointed by the Mayor of New Haven, five by the Mayor of East Haven, and two by the South Central Regional Council of Government. At least six of the members must be New Haven or East Haven residents. New Haven’s mayoral appointments must be approved by the Board of Alders.

City of New Haven:
The Office of the Mayor, the Board of Alders, and other municipal officials work to represent the needs of New Haven residents. When it comes to Tweed New Haven Airport, the City also owns the physical property on which HVN resides and operates, and sets important ordinances to protect the interests of their residents who live near the airport. Within the partnership they will help ensure those interests continue to be met, represent the needs of small businesses that help benefit our local economy, and ensure environmentally friendly manner.

The Town of East Haven:
The Mayor and the Town Council represent the citizens and businesses of East Haven. Within the partnership they represent the neighboring residents and businesses surrounding the airport, and will play a central role on traffic and safety issues as the airport entryway is moved as part of building a New HVN.