Town Hall QA

What happens next (and what happens if we don’t move forward with plans to grow HVN)?

Question By:

"What happens next (and what happens if we don't move forward with plans to grow HVN)?"

Answer By:
NewHVN Administration

  • There is a rigorous public engagement and review process following TNHAA publication of the draft EA on March 2
    • 45-day public comment period (ends on April 16)
    • TNHAA is engaging local activists, policymakers, and neighbors
    • Public meeting will be held at Saturday, April 1st from 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
  • Only if this project moves forward will we see $165m invested in this region which will: 
    • Continue to improve safety and reliability on the runway and meet passenger demand in the terminal (e.g. security check point space, local vendor/concession spaces)
    • Allow for millions in environmental mitigation including sound protection, infrastructure improvements to manage traffic and improve surface road safety, and invest in a carbon-neutral terminal.
    • Unlock further economic growth and the creation of more than 1100 approximate direct and indirect jobs
  • This EA process does not interfere with the relevant permitting processes, including CT DEEP, that are necessary to proceed before construction commences